What Is The Fifth Dimension by Andrea with Oneness

What is the Fifth Dimension?

by Andrea with Oneness

The ‘Fifth Dimension’ is a term increasingly heard in spiritual circles. What does it really mean? Is there really something to it?

To help answer the question of what it really is, it is often best to ask to feel into it for yourself. This simple step of asking to feel something is so helpful in accessing our own innate wisdom and knowledge.

Though basically, to answer the question of ‘is there something to it?’ or ‘is the Fifth Dimension real?’ – is Yes! there is something to it!

The Fifth Dimension is a level of consciousness. We move into this level of consciousness after Self Realization has occurred.

I personally prefer to use the word ‘level’ or ‘plane’, rather than ‘dimension’ so that we don’t overly give our power away to a big sounding word. But also because quite simply that is what it feels like, a plane. The Fifth Dimension feels like a vast plane that stretches out all around you.

Self Realization is the doorway into the Fifth plane of consciousness.

The doorway itself is the Open Heart.

When one first experiences this plane of consciousness it feels as though one is standing in the middle of the night sky. It is inky black, with softly glinting stars.

All the stars, planets, nebulas, and universes upon universes are here, within your majestic heart.

As you start to take in this beautiful field of stars and planets that are here, within, there is simultaneously an awareness that there are also all these Beings here. Beings of Light. They are standing all around you, Celebrating You, Welcoming You. Celebrating your arrival into this plane of consciousness.

They are here ready, waiting, and willing to help you in any way that they are able. They have always been here, and always will be here, for You.

We can access these Beings of Light and Love whenever we need to. Simply ask. We need never do anything alone.

The harder part is remembering to do so, and trusting that the Divine really is there for you. Something we all need reminding of no matter who we are and where we are at.

Copyright: www.andreaoneness.com

Please Note:
This is a shorter version of a slightly longer text: http://andreaoneness.com/fifth-dimension/
If you would like to feel the Fifth Dimension for yourself, please listen to this free audio: http://andreaoneness.com/product/connect-to-the-fifth-dimension/ If you would like to understand what Self Realization is please go here: http://andreaoneness.com/self-realization/

Events you may be interested in:
For the month of June I am holding three online teleseminars.
The first is on Forgiveness. This is to help you forgive anyone or anything that has hurt you so that you can move forward and come into deep peace.
The second is a FREE event to coincide with the June Solstice. Solstice is a wonderful time to take stock of what has occurred over the last six months, and bring in anything that we need for the next six months.
The third is on Martrydom and Sacrifice, this will help you to stop sacrificing yourself to and for others, helping you to come into equanimity and balance.
For information on each, please go here: http://andreaoneness.com/events/

I have also started a weekly Meditation class at Qi Crystals every Saturday from 10-11am.
After the class I am available for Personal Sessions. I work with a John of God Crystal Bed, and call upon Divine guidance in any area of your life you wish for help with.

Many blessings to you in the month ahead!


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