The beliefs and truths that we unconsciously choose to live by shape our identity, personality and ultimately the lives we live out. The enlightened ancient masters knew this and even present day spiritual teachers like the popular Eckhart Tolle, Adyashanti, Ram Dass and Michael Singer amongst many others talk of the trap and danger of identifying oneself too strongly based on our past experiences. We cannot truly live in the present moment when still anchored emotionally to painful experiences, traumas and memories mired in our history.
Health, in the true holistic sense, is the ability and freedom to navigate the challenges of each present moment unencumbered by rigid beliefs and identities formulated and crystallised from our earliest years. Most of us, though, find ourselves living mostly on autopilot doing what we have always traditionally done- whether that is looking after others, avoiding intimate relationships for fear of being hurt again, attracting the wrong kind of partner, giving our power away, not speaking our truth, etc. If we had to perform academically, be pretty, keep quiet, put others first before ourselves when growing up we may still do that to this day. We all have some form of these self-limiting patterns and self-identities running our lives.
Our self-identifications, beliefs and the convictions we hold dear to ourselves may have once protected us and got our basic needs met but have now become our strait-jackets. Our soul yearns for us to grow and expand and to shed our old skins, our old ways of being in the world. Nature is all about cycles, seasons and change and so should we be but our ego is afraid of change as it would need to die (to the identity it currently is) and be reborn so we hang on to our habits, patterns and personal truths.
Homeopathy, being a natural, energy-based system of medicines and healing is perfectly suited to support us in initially becoming more conscious of our patterns, of the roles we identify with and play out and to then support us in challenging them and changing them. This is because the homeopathic remedies address and shift archetypal patterns and shift our consciousness and how we see and interpret things. With the support of the right, individualised homeopathic remedy gleaned from a comprehensive and thorough homeopathic consultation the way we see ourselves and the world can change and over time and we can make different choices and reinvent ourselves. Homeopathic remedies have successfully helped clients step into their personal power, set better personal boundaries, open up to new relationships, prioritise their own needs, become more assertive, let go of old grievances amongst many other changes. When the right remedy is selected for a client, powerful transformations and changes are to be expected. Unfortunately, homeopathy, as a healing modality is largely misunderstood as it is unique in the way it works and therefore is a mystery to most people.
Andrew, the homeopath at Qi Crystals, will give an illuminating free talk at Qi Crystals on Saturday 30th November. He will talk about the exact mechanisms by which the homeopathic system of medicines work so that by the end of the talk homeopathy will make perfect sense to you and seem the obvious choice of a safe, gentle yet highly effective natural therapy to try out for yourself.
Here are the details of this upcoming talk:
Interested in attending? Andrew will be offering two door prizes for those who RSVP and attend his talk!
1st Prize: Free initial consultation with Andrew
2nd Prize: 50% off a session with Andrew
RSVP now for your chance to win!