Andrew Kaulenas

Soul Centred Homeopathy

Andrew is a qualified Classical/Constitutional Homeopath with over 25 years of experience practising homeopathy. His approach is to address, support and treat the WHOLE PERSON – body, mind, emotions and soul – getting to the ‘root’ of clients presenting issues and challenges. Andrew works with his clients to help identify and shift energy blockages and imbalances through the combination of dialogue, spiritual counselling and the powerful vibrational energy of homeopathic medicines.

Andrew’s strength is his intuitive ability to hone in on and identify core underlying patterns and beliefs that are playing out in his clients’ lives and health and to support healing and change through selection of the right, matching, individualised homeopathic remedy. This homeopathic remedy, usually a ‘constitutional remedy’ matches the client’s current vibrational frequency and subscribes to the core principle of the homeopathic system of healing which is that ‘Like Cures Like’. On the right homeopathic remedy, clients often report many changes including feeling more energetic, having increased mental clarity, a heightened sense of peace, feeling happier, sleeping better, being less easily triggered by external events and the disappearance over time of their presenting symptoms. Being an energy-based, vibrational modality, the homeopathics work directly on shifting a client’s consciousness and perception of the world.

Andrew uses a soul-based and Jungian approach in his consultations and works a lot on helping clients to identify core patterns, themes and archetypes that may be operating in a client that may be sabotaging their health, happiness and peace of mind. Core patterns and archetypes that Andrew works with and has a lot of success with shifting include that of the Victim, Martyr and Caregiver.

Andrew is at Qi Crystals on Wednesdays 10am-1.30pm and for now is offering FREE 15 MINUTE HOMEOPATHY APPRAISALS so you can determine for yourself if you resonate to his approach and seek to work with him to support your healing, change and personal empowerment.

Initial Consultation $140
Extended Follow-up Consultation $120
Short Follow-up Consultation $80

To book or make an enquiry, please ring Andrew directly on 0412930782 or email him on


  • Classical Homeopathy
  • Holistic Counselling

Client Testimonials

“I had my first experience with Andrew and homeopathy recently and found it to be highly effective. I was very impressed by the way Andrew comfortably, warmly and efficiently guided me into a deep discussion to figure out my personality traits that influenced his selection of my homeopathic remedy to support and strengthen my system. After taking the remedy, almost instantly, I felt a sense of calmness I had long forgotten. This continued over time and further allowed for ease in my mind and body and facilitated the release of energy imbalances I had held within. Highly recommended”.

“I would like to say a big thankyou to Andrew for guiding me through with our homeopathy sessions. I really didn’t know much about homeopathy and it’s positive effects on the holistic well-being of one’s mind and body and how the homeopathic remedies given can boost your energy and improve your clarity of mindset and focus. Each remedy Andrew gave me had it’s own special oomph factor supporting my mind and body in what I needed at that particular time and in resetting my sense of well-being. I am enjoying this journey with Andrew’s therapy. I highly recommend Andrew with his knowledge and obvious passion for homeopathy”.

“I experienced my first homeopathy session with Andrew recently and initially I wasn’t sure what to expect. Andrew was patient and took his time to explain this system of healing to me in a very down-to-earth manner. During our first session, he asked me about my past experiences and what my biggest concerns were after which he gave me a remedy to take. Within 15 minutes of taking the remedy, I already felt shifts in my energy and actual vibrations pulsating outwards from my head and then into my energy field. I was surprised as I didn’t have any expectations that it would work so quickly. Over the next few days, I felt lighter, better at setting my personal boundaries and that I had come back more into my feminine, receptive qualities. Being a therapist myself, I also noticed the pleasant by-product of the treatment being that more, new clients were reaching out to me for my services which I interpreted as me being more open to receiving. Ever since taking my homeopathic remedy, I also feel more at ease and less concerned about what’s ahead. I now keep asking myself why I had never heard of or tried homeopathy before. Honestly, I could have saved myself so much time in my personal healing journey if I had learned about it earlier. As an energy healer myself, I am selective with who I personally see and I don’t recommend other people lightly. That said, after my first and second session with Andrew, hands down, I highly recommend his professional services! Andrew is genuine and just a lovely soul to deal with. So give homeopathy a try guys! You have nothing to lose!

“I had never seen a homeopath before so I was not sure what to expect. Andrew explained everything very well and went on to ask me on what was a health concern of mine, which for me was my thyroid. We talked about everything right through my childhood and Andrew prescribed me a remedy. After I had taken my remedy I could not believe the difference in how I was feeling. I felt more confident yet calmer. I am becoming better at setting boundaries for myself and no longer squirm in confrontational situations. Andrew looked into the root cause of why there would be an issue with my thyroid not just treating my symptoms. I have been recommending Andrew to friends and clients. He is really fantastic in what he does”.

“When I first came to Andrew I was at the time experiencing extreme forms of abuse and the difficulties of being stuck in a very controlling relationship. I had no idea that a year or so down the track that Andrew would be playing a vital role in helping me and my daughter in moving through a very toxic situation. My very first session with Andrew already proved to me beyond a doubt how real, quick and effective his treatments are. I walked in a broken, lost and confused person who was frustrated that no matter how hard I tried that I could not shift myself out of the toxic situation I was in. That day, I walked out of that first session with almost instant changes within myself. Gone was the scared little mouse who was tip-toeing around my abuser. I felt different. The homeopathic remedy released a lot of my suppressed anger and helped me to stand more in my power. There were many more changes over the course of my treatment and too many to mention here. I highly recommend Andrew and his services”.

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