Are you in a toxic relationship? by Andrea Forture Hello Fellow Soul Traveller! If you have been thinking that there is a deeper reason for what is occurring, but don’t know what it is . . . you are not alone. Over these last months I’ve been contemplating it too. Without knowing the whole reason, […]
Author Archives: qi
Releasing markers of time by Maurice Katting We use our perception of 3D reality as a marker and an anchor within time. The way we interact in the world, the work we undertake, our routines and stories, people, places and events, are all used by our consciousness as “pegs” or “markers” of time. What keeps […]
A glass half full by Mary Gaynor I love holidays. My favourite holiday involves hot weather, a beach, turquoise water, a good book and a wine. I could not be happier! But here lay the problem, I loved it so much that I did not want it to end. Instead of enjoying and relishing every […]
Did you know that our short-term attraction and rejection of colours correlates to what we are going through? What colours don’t you really like at the moment or do you find yourself rejecting today? Here is a summary of what it might mean if you don’t like: Red – indicates signs of frustration, anger or defeat within […]
From tiny ember to magnificent bonfire by Trina Hinkley In my late 20s, I had it all. Nice house with a great view of the mountains, husband, motorcycle business, children. Many people thought we were the perfect couple and had a great life … and I was miserable. I felt like the very essence of […]
Contemplating your career post-isolation by Andrea Fortune If you have been self-isolating you’ve been driven to slow down, reflect, contemplate and reset. You may have questioned your career and put things into perspective. We have just experienced a planetary ascension, which compels us to be more compassionate and understanding. We also just entered into the […]
Online Monday Meditations with Andrea Fortune Get in a good mind set for the week with Andrea’s Guided Meditation Classes, starting Monday 6th June from 7.00 pm – 7.30 pm, $50 for 5 weeks, in the comfort of your own home. Why meditate? Here are some benefits:-1. It increases your HEALTH and HAPPINESS, decreases pain […]
Secret Animal Wisdom this month by Dalia Granot Every person on the planet has one Spirit Animal (other half of their identity) & many Power Animals who share their power to support the human journey in its highs & lows. The powers of strength, confidence, protection or love of one self are just some of […]
May Updates by Qi Cargill The last Month has certainly highlighted our need for connection. After having been closed for over a Month it is so good to be open again, to see some familiar faces and to have more routine and some sense of normality. Although we could have continued to trade under stage […]
Daily Affirmations for good Chakra health by Zeena Patel “Your thoughts become your reality.” Have you heard this before? It’s a statement that moved me greatly. In times of uncertainty and stress it’s more important than ever to observe your thoughts, purify and heal. The word affirmation comes from the Latin word ‘affirmare’, meaning “to […]
How to find a moment of calm by Sam Demmon As the pandemic has continued to wreak havoc across the world, I’ve noticed how much I’m trying to reduce what’s happening: thinking how it could be worse, other things have been worse. I realise this is my protective mechanism— because to sit with the reality […]
Because your heart matters by Samantha Demmon We need our hearts, not just in the physical sense, in an emotional sense we need our hearts. We need our hearts, to love, to be kind, to have compassion and to care. Our hearts are our relational centre. There’s a decision making tool that goes like this: […]
Online support with Lida van den Berg Your spiritual practice has prepared you for times such as that which is currently being presented globally. The unusual human behaviour at this time is a direct response to fear and panic. Holding compassion for those who seem to be scrambling to regain control is a demonstration of […]
Online Tarot Course & Readings by Andrea Fortune The earth is going through an ascension at this time into a higher vibration and dimensional awareness. Mother Earth has been ignored for a while and her resources are depleted. During this time of planetary change, we must remember that we are nature itself and we are […]
Getting to the core of isolation by Simone Surgeoner There’s no doubt the current situation globally has affected us all – in ways common to all – and unique ways for individuals and family units. Some people seem to be handling this period of isolation better than others. While the whole current pandemic situation is […]
Andrea Fortune in the house! by Andrea Fortune I am taking on board an “Introvert’s Guide to being extrovert” and providing services that don’t require social contact! Every cloud has a silver lining and some good things have come out of the current situation. Our pets are much happier with the company, the pollution levels […]
Dissolving Fear: a guided meditation & healing by Andrea Oneness
What we avoid, is what we prolong by Belinda Bucknell Yes, the outer world is changing, and yes it’s uncomfortable, but don’t be afraid to use this time to go deeper and really examine your inner world. Don’t be afraid to look deeply and do the inner work. Because the truth is, the chaos and […]
The Antidote to Fear is Love by Andrea Oneness Dear All, I hope that you are all well during these challenging, interesting and accelerated times! Please take the time to come back into balance if you notice that you have spiralled into fear or overwhelm. All of this really is an opportunity to process fear, […]
Love in the time of Corona by Maurice Katting Many things have been said already around what is happening in the media. But what are we to do in times of crisis and uncertainty? How we gain trust and the feelings of certainty and calm when people don’t know what is going to happen? Fear […]
Staying Calm During The ‘Coronapocolypse’ by Andrea Fortune Well, I just found out that my daily lifestyle is actually called ‘quarantine!’ Jokes aside though, it has been challenging for us all over the last few months. Our communities all came together and helped during the bush fires, then did a u turn and went into […]
Made For These Times by Ais Esther I returned only yesterday from a cruise in the Caribbean with Esther Hicks. Esther has, for forty years, channeled a stream of infinite intelligence, by the name of Abraham. It isn’t the first time I have cruised with Esther, but I was particularly looking forward to it this […]
Keep Calm, Keep Healthy by Mary Gaynor With the Corona Virus on our doorstep and anxiety and stress levels running on high, it is hard not to get sucked into the whirlpool of fear that is being generated. But it is extremely important to try and remain calm and keep stress levels down as it […]
Emotions, Beliefs, Behaviours and How To Make Friends With Them Using Self Clearing by David Lane I recently had an online conversation with a former attendee to one of my Self Clearing Workshops and also ‘graduate’ of The Spiral (though not with me). She had become disillusioned with the techniques and was swearing off them, […]
March Energies by Andrea Oneness Welcome to the month of March 2020! Let’s spend a moment welcoming in all the angelics, divine presences, and beings of unconditional love. Let them guide us and show us their presence. Let’s remember that there really are such forces, no matter how much the mind doubts. Let’s ask them […]
THE COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS, YOU ARE NOT ALONE! by Andrea Fortune You have the power within you to change the world for the better right now. You can make a real difference in ways you may not be aware of. You are an integral part of the whole of existence. The “collective consciousness” permeates all beings, […]
Why Positive Thinking Doesn’t Work by Belinda Bucknell Many of my clients come to me because they’re at their wits end. Their heads are full of negative thoughts and they can’t get control over what’s happening in their mind or their life. They feel exhausted because they’ve tried so hard to change. They’re not complacent, […]
The love of the aching soul by Sharon Sztar “Will you still love me when I’m no longer young and beautiful?” Lana Del Rey’s hauntingly beautiful voice asks through my car speakers. She has captured the ‘question’ of our generation in one line. So much of what we do, so much of what we sell, […]
Could your childhood trauma be linked to your Adult sickness? by Mary Gaynor Did you know the trauma and stress that you experience as a child can have the ability to impact your health as an adult? Universal energy should be free flowing through everything including our bodies. Each time we experience trauma, stress and […]
Recognising universal signposts & symbology by Andrea Fortune The universe is whispering to you. There are messages in the birdsong outside your window, on the formation of clouds in the sky or in your coffee cup, on the waves crashing against the shore, on the billboards you see as you walk through the city, on the […]