Category Archives: Practitioner Articles

Staying Calm During The ‘Coronapocolypse’ by Andrea Fortune

Staying Calm During The ‘Coronapocolypse’ by Andrea Fortune Well, I just found out that my daily lifestyle is actually called ‘quarantine!’ Jokes aside though, it has been challenging for us all over the last few months. Our communities all came together and helped during the bush fires, then did a u turn and went into […]

Emotions, Beliefs, Behaviours and How To Make Friends With Them Using Self Clearing by David Lane

Emotions, Beliefs, Behaviours and How To Make Friends With Them Using Self Clearing by David Lane I recently had an online conversation with a former attendee to one of my Self Clearing Workshops and also ‘graduate’ of The Spiral (though not with me). She had become disillusioned with the techniques and was swearing off them, […]


THE COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS, YOU ARE NOT ALONE! by Andrea Fortune You have the power within you to change the world for the better right now. You can make a real difference in ways you may not be aware of. You are an integral part of the whole of existence. The “collective consciousness” permeates all beings, […]

Why Positive Thinking Doesn’t Work by Belinda Bucknell

Why Positive Thinking Doesn’t Work by Belinda Bucknell Many of my clients come to me because they’re at their wits end. Their heads are full of negative thoughts and they can’t get control over what’s happening in their mind or their life. They feel exhausted because they’ve tried so hard to change. They’re not complacent, […]

Could your childhood trauma be linked to your Adult sickness? by Mary Gaynor

Could your childhood trauma be linked to your Adult sickness? by Mary Gaynor Did you know the trauma and stress that you experience as a child can have the ability to impact your health as an adult? Universal energy should be free flowing through everything including our bodies. Each time we experience trauma, stress and […]

Recognising universal signposts & symbology by Andrea Fortune

Recognising universal signposts & symbology by Andrea Fortune The universe is whispering to you.  There are messages in the birdsong outside your window, on the formation of clouds in the sky or in your coffee cup, on the waves crashing against the shore, on the billboards you see as you walk through the city, on the […]

The crow anthologies: Soul lessons on loss by Maurice Katting

The crow anthologies: Soul lessons on loss by Maurice Katting Death can be one of our biggest teachers. As a mute point, it is the highlighter of the short space of time we have. Loss and cycles of beginnings, work together in succession. Finding peace with this process of continuous shedding and new growth is […]

Learning to flow with your ‘heavenly water’ – menstrual cycle wellbeing by Sharon Sztar

Learning to flow with your ‘heavenly water’ – menstrual cycle wellbeing by Sharon Sztar Did you know that in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) menstrual blood is referred to as Tian Gui, translated to Heavenly Water? I was so heart-warmed when I heard this for the first time. A little different to our western view of […]

Self-care with Singing Bowls by Peter Hess Academy Australia

Self-care with singing bowls by Peter Hess Academy Australia What is the self-care? Self-care is a preventative medicine, yet it is something that we can do for ourselves. It is time and effort spent on yourself, on your needs. Something that you feel good about and not force yourself to do (no matter how wonderful […]

Start 2020 with CLEAR INTENTION by Rebecca

Start 2020 with CLEAR INTENTION by Rebecca One hears the word intention everywhere but what’s it really about? There can be many myths and misconceptions. Often when we set an intention it’s coming from our ego’s wants and desires. We then feel disappointed, lesser or even confused when it doesn’t actualise. In my personal journey […]

The Crow Anthologies: Shadow by Maurice Katting

The Crow Anthologies: Shadow by Maurice Katting Any challenging experience where we feel confusion and a lack of clarity, means we are being brought into a space where we have something to learn, otherwise the uncertainty we find ourselves in wouldn’t exist. If our mind isn’t able to perceive the answer or the reason straight […]

The magick of distance healing by Andrea Fortune

The magick of distance healing by Andrea Fortune Distance Healing – it’s available to everyone! As a reader and healer, I like to think of myself as an intermediary between the physical and spiritual realms and a navigator/facilitator of communication between these two worlds. I have given spirit my permission to be a conduit for […]

November Report & Energy Healing by Andrea Oneness

November Report & Energy Healing by Andrea Oneness During November there may be a sense of going into the underworld as we are in a Scorpio cycle. Transformation, sex, death, taxes, and so on are all highlighted this month. Energetically there is a lot happening with the solar plexus, particularly just underneath the tight band […]

Keeping Negative Entity Attachments At Bay By Andrea Fortune

Keeping Negative Entity Attachments At Bay by Andrea Fortune Today is Halloween, so what better day to be writing about negative entities, spooky influences and things that go bump in the night? The radio conversations on my journey to work were all about hauntings, visitations and unexplained metaphysical phenomena, so it was no surprise when […]

October Energy: Anchoring into the Heart & Discernment by Andrea

October Energy: Anchoring into the Heart & Discernment by Andrea Hello and welcome to the month of October 2019! AUDIO OF THIS REPORT IS BELOW For the month of October ahead, the angelics wish us to connect with our heart space and use this as an anchor point or fulcrum. Once we use the heart […]

Becoming a better lightworker by Andrea Fortune

Becoming a better lightworker by Andrea Fortune I am honoured to have attuned 40 reiki channels over the last 3 years, many of whom are working professionally as practitioners, so I thought I’d do a blog today on becoming a better lightworker. This is relevant to anyone, even if you are not a healer or […]

On remembering what is Holy by Ais Esther

On remembering what is Holy by Ais Esther This earth will grow cold, a star among stars                and one of the smallest, a gilded mote on blue velvet—                     I mean this, our great earth. This earth will grow cold one day, not like a block of ice or a dead cloud even […]

September Healing Energies by Andrea

September Healing Energies by Andrea Energetic Healing Energies for September – Courage Please listen to the audio below if you would like to connect to Healing Energies that the angelics would like to bring us for the month ahead. Continue to expect the unexpected this month. There is a lot happening and many are in […]