Category Archives: Qi

Sensitivity – A Blessing or a Curse? by Cindy Melksham

Sensitivity – A Blessing or a Curse? by Cindy Melksham If you easily understand how others feel and also feel the emotions of others, you are likely an Empath of Highly Sensitive Person (HSP). You may often find yourself as the “go to” person for people’s issues. People are magnetised to you because they sense […]

Easy to Apply Tips for Tarot Beginners with Kripa Khatri

Easy to Apply Tips for Tarot Beginners with Kripa Khatri What started off as a card playing game has now been used for seeking and providing guidance. Tarot for a beginner can be daunting, particularly with the 78 cards with varied graphics and a guidebook with extremely small font. A common question is – Where […]

The Portal to Expansive Awareness by Lida van den Berg

The Portal to Expansive Awareness by Lida van den Berg Meditation practice will in time create the portal to expansive awareness. The space between opposites will become apparent when losing focus or attachment to opposing ideas, thoughts and belief systems. Contemplate the space that exists between the mental and the physical. This space holds the […]

Flowing with the cycles of the moon – weekly update from Sharon Sztar, Women’s Wisdom Mentor

Image: Flowing with the cycles of the moon – weekly update from Sharon Sztar, Women’s Wisdom Mentor Have you felt the energy start to subdue this week after our full moon last Friday? Have you noticed the growing inclination to slow down and move inwards yourself? As the moon decreases its prominence in the […]

Flowing with the cycles of the moon – Weekly Update from Sharon Sztar, Women’s Wisdom Mentor

Flowing with the cycles of the moon – Weekly Update from Sharon Sztar, Women’s Wisdom Mentor I’m currently down on the Mornington Peninsula and over the last few days I’ve been observing Port Phillip Bay. In the earlier part of yesterday, the water resembled something from a Greek island; exquisite shades of turquoise mixed up […]

Flowing with the cycles of the moon – Weekly Update from Sharon Sztar

Flowing with the cycles of the moon – Weekly Update from Sharon Sztar, Women’s Wisdom Mentor Tomorrow’s new moon is in the watery sign of Scorpio (2:01am AEST Thursday 8 November) and I like how mother nature has given us Melbournian’s beautiful nourishing rain in the lead up. Rain is not something we tend to […]

November Rituals by Qi Cargill

November Rituals by Qi Cargill In the Southern Hemisphere this is the season of Beltane, a Spring festival of optimism, generatively and the passion of life. Beltane is traditionally celebrated on May 1 – May Day – in the Northern Hemisphere, and on November 1 in the Southern Hemisphere. This seasonal festival marks the halfway point between the […]

Flowing with the cycles of the moon – Weekly Update from Sharon Sztar, Women’s Wisdom Mentor

Image Credit: FLOWING WITH THE CYCLES OF THE MOON – Weekly Update from Sharon Sztar, Women’s Wisdom Mentor by Sharon Sztar Many ancient cultures have revered a woman’s sacred connection to the moon. Females of all species move with the rhythms of the moon. We know the ocean’s tides are affected by the movement […]

New Weekly Chakra Clearing Circle – First 3 Circles are Free! with David Lane

New Weekly Chakra Clearing Circle – First 3 Circles are Free! with David Lane  The Simplest Way to Feel Great and Evolve. What is a Chakra Clearing Balance?  Put very simply, this means going through each of your chakras one by one and using kinesiology style muscle-testing identifying all the unexpressed emotions that are impeding […]