Could your childhood trauma be linked to your Adult sickness?
Did you know the trauma and stress that you experience as a child can have the ability to impact your health as an adult?
Universal energy should be free flowing through everything including our bodies. Each time we experience trauma, stress and negative emotion, it can distort and block our energy flow and create blockages within our bodies.
Repetitive patterns of negative emotions that start in childhood and continue throughout our lives can weaken those energy blockages further, making them susceptible to sickness and disease and if left unchecked, can emerge as physical symptoms as we get older. That neck pain you have had for a number of years may be the result of a traumatic experience where the negative emotion experienced deposited in the muscles of the neck, the constant stress may affect the digestive system in many and negative emotions that are stored in the kidneys may appear as arthritis .
We all experience stress and trauma in our lives and react and respond in our own way. There are many variables as to how we interpret each distressing situation and so too how our bodies react to and then store the negative emotion expressed. For some an incident may have little impact but for another it may result in deep trauma causing PTSD.
This is the beauty of Energy Healing, it has the capacity to move these blockages that are causing the sickness or ailment on all levels restoring the energy flow throughout , allowing the body to repair and heal.
So next time you are having issues with your health , it may very well be related to a negative experience in your life going right back to your childhood. The good news is that it Energy Healing can assist in your recovery.