Flowing with the cycles of the moon – Weekly Update from Sharon Sztar

Flowing with the cycles of the moon – Weekly Update from Sharon Sztar, Women’s Wisdom Mentor

Tomorrow’s new moon is in the watery sign of Scorpio (2:01am AEST Thursday 8 November) and I like how mother nature has given us Melbournian’s beautiful nourishing rain in the lead up.

Rain is not something we tend to greet with as much joy as we do the sun. Often rain is seen as the second best prize or even not a prize.

Yet having lived in the sub-tropical Byron Bay for the last six years, I know that the lush beauty of Byron wouldn’t exist without the rain. Byron life has taught me to really appreciate and embrace the rainy days.

This is a perfect analogy for the dark moon and new moon phases. We all get starry eyed when the full moon approaches, longing to bask in her glow. But the new moon rarely brings with it the same anticipation. How many new moon images do you see on social media. Definitely not as many as the full moon.

I personally love the new moon cycle. I love the soothing, darker nights and the quieter yin energy.

And I love the potential that comes with beginnings. I anticipate the opportunity to plant new seeds and begin to water them.

Each month we literally get a chance to start again; reflect on the past month and set new intentions for the month ahead.

This reflection period is often synonymous with our menstruating days. The moon is our literal guide, gently suggesting that as she dims her external light we do as well. And in it’s place we can travel within.

One of the crystals I like to use around the new moon is the beautiful moonstone. Symbolising cycles and new beginnings there couldn’t be a better stone to wear. It also connects me to my feminine nature and the intuitive inwards journey very much part of the dark/new moon phase of our cycles.

The new moon phase is one of the greatest opportunities for us as women to draw on our inner light. Our hormones are actually built to connect with it.

I highly recommend setting your own new moon intention, holding or wearing moonstone as you envision the world you will be creating in the coming month. May you then enjoy the blessings of this process.

Sharon facilities a Women’s Wisdom Circle every Thursday night from 7:30PM – 8:30PM



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