If You Choose to Stay in the Fear by Maurice Katting

If You Choose to Stay in the Fear

by Maurice Katting

If you walk down the street and notice the faces of the people, what expression are they holding? Do they look light or heavy? Are they all in the midst of struggle and suffering? Their own personal worry scenario? That’s absolutely real to them?

If you could jump in to their minds and hear their thoughts and heard their stories you could experience what they are going through. As the observer you could have compassion for them and what they are living. And yet objectively if you analysed their story and could hear their logic, how much of it would you agree is “reality” or “perception”?

If you actually had this ability to jump into people’s minds and see the scenarios that they are creating, and then jumped back into your own mind, would you be able to apply the same objectivity? Could you look at your experience and be able to identify where your perception was creating your reality? And potentially a reality you don’t want to experience?

How much are we all just in the story for the majority of the time? Are we just continually buying into it because we simply haven’t identified where our perception has become our reality?

If love is letting go of fear, then is it also about letting go of form? The forms of control and expectation of how things should be? Is your fear boring, but mine so much more interesting? And for how long do we want to entertain fear until we get bored with it? Or do we just keep looking for fears and reasons to fear to distract our entire lives with?

If you choose to stay in the fear, you will keep finding proof to justify your fear. If you choose to drop the fear you will develop faith. The sense that even if your life feels strewn about by forces beyond your control, the way you can feel about your situation can still remain within your control. This is when your will and solar plexus energy become solid. It’s the “knowing thyself.”

When there is chaos around you, in people’s lives, friends, family, people you love, by all means support them and assist. But if they are stuck looking at the door that has closed on them, simply remind them to notice the window of opportunity that has opened. Be aware that if we adopt rescue mode, we can easily start to adopt the story as our own. If rescue is needed, so be it. Rescue. Assist. Create change. Be change. But what kind of world do you choose to believe in? The fear, struggle, duality and incapability of the human race? Or the potential for all people to become sovereign and self empowered? You can play your part within this world without having to identify with it, and continuously hold what people are calling “the new earth” consciousness. And there is no “spiritual bypassing” in doing this. You can still be here on this planet, in the thick of it, helping and sharing and giving back. But you don’t have to buy into the chaos around you. If you can hold onto the belief that we have the collective potential to create the world that we want then you can remain the “active observer”.

Maurice & Kaliopi hold a weekly class: The Shaman & The Witch: Spiritual Growth, Guidance & Awakening every Saturday from 10AM – 12PM

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