Reset Rituals: Sacral


Sacral Chakra:

Just below naval

  • This chakra’s energy represents one’s personal power with themselves, creativity in thoughts and in doing, sexuality and finances. Issues may be with self-acceptance, personal identity, blame, guilt, sexual power, honour, decision making, impotence, creative flow and financial loss.
  • Set intention for use: “I allow creative energy to flow through me and attract what I desire”

Ingredients: Organic Essential oils, Australian Bush Flower Essesnce, Crystal Chips, Filtered Water, Witch hazel

Made local by kinesiologist Leora Katranski, theses sprays are designed to support each chakra, or as a set. 100% Natural pure therapeutic grade essential oils. Handmade in Melbourne, Australia. Kinesiology Tested.

50mls / 1.7oz

3 in stock (can be backordered)

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