Earth is in an era where there is great spiritual potential for change. Science is finally catching up with mysticism as our ancient traditional experiential wisdom (acquired knowledge informed by life experience), becomes ‘fact’ as well as ‘knowing’. The beliefs or behaviors intergenerationally passed down via family lines, having symbolism steeped in antiquity is a fundamental source of ancient wisdom that deserves closer scrutiny. Australian Indigenous had an invaluable cornucopia of knowledge relating to Australian vegetation, animals and how to live cohesively ‘within Country’, surviving as community, for tens of thousands of years. There was no spiritual separation. What collective wisdom could have been shared, if the path had been different and two cultures integrated? Can it still be?
Traditionally acquired information includes the subtle energy system. The ancient Egyptians (amongst many cultures) were aware of its existence, ‘knowing’ and ‘therapeutically utilizing’ the subtle energy bodies and their anatomy, countless years before these concepts were integrated into ‘western’ thinking. The Aura, or Biomagnetic field as science now likes to call it, is composed of receding energy bodies around the physical, their energy composure becoming less dense and more spiritual, rising in vibratory frequency, returning to our core essence of Divinity. Of course, corporeal form cannot exist without its subtle energy anatomy pervading every aspect of its existence. This includes a multitude of chakras (discussed later) and over 72,000 Nadis (AKA meridians) or energy pathways throughout ones’ entire physicality.
Science now demonstrates that at the time of conception a ‘flash of light’ occurs. One wonders if this is the moment of instilling spiritual essence into physical form. Long ago I dreamt that Light (or Spiritual energy) was actually interconnected within DNA – light strands informing physical genomes – the nucleotide sequences responsible for 2% of our genetic traits (now there is evidence of light within its structure). The other 98% unknown was initially considered ‘junk’. Is it possible that this ‘junk’ is responsible for ‘grounding’ spirit with all its relevant inherent information (formatting the lower energy bodies containing the emotional, mental and spiritual information specific to the current incarnation), based on a multitude of factors prior to birth? The energy-physical interphase?
In another dream, I was between worlds and in an important ‘meeting’ to determine what lessons my soul wanted to undertake as it journeyed forth to Earth for yet another incarnation. It was like I was selecting ‘blueprints’ that in my dream state were represented diagrammatically within a rectangular-framed format’, all symbolically positioned on shelves, in rows to be pulled out at will for utilization. Having chosen the desired lessons, they were incorporated into me ready for my upcoming birth. Another process was then undertaken; an image of Earth appearing before me. Based on the lessons that I wanted to embark upon, ‘light dots’ showed up around the globe of Earth. These were my potential ‘birth mothers’.
My next consideration was which part of the world to focus on – what country would suit the lessons I desired to participate in, from a world and cultural perspective? My answers narrowed the field. In choosing Australia, considering the nominated blueprints, I further refined my selection based upon local customs and mores representing the values that my community would assist to instill within me. And finally, I looked at the traits of my parents and the genetic family ‘karma’ that I would inherit – was it aligned with my personal objectives, setting the stage for my life experiences to be played out? What has all to do with birthing into the human experience on Earth? Everything. How else does our spiritual essence express itself within physical form? The higher spiritual bodies containing the cumulative knowledge of successive lifetimes inform our existence of who we are and, with desired blueprint incorporated, who we potentially can become.
Knowing that every thought, emotion and spiritual expression is integrated into its associated lower energy body (going outward: etheric double, emotional, mental, causal, soul, spiritual and further refinements like the light body) and when we pass over, they are incorporated ‘uploaded’ into their higher energy body counterparts as the lower bodies of each incarnation are drawn upward. It is obvious that in the spirits descent to Earthly form it would carry its spiritual inheritance and desired lessons with it. A roadmap, if you like, is created and agreed upon with all individuals involved, with a life plan loosely formulated prior to birth. Free choice is the determiner of its eventuation, and the experiential wisdom garnered during the course of one’s lifetime, the objective. Signposts are created, as the right person is guided to appear at the right time, a critical juncture even (if the signposts have been ignored), to help inform or keep one on track. ‘Free choice’ lies anywhere between derailing us or propelling us head forward along the ‘uniquely perceived’ trajectory engaging in life’s rich tapestry on Earth.
Spiritually viewed from above, patches or fields of differing colours occur reflecting the energies of those inhabiting them, regardless of what is physically in the surrounds. Those immediately within our vicinity, by choice or life circumstance, have the greatest influence over us. When we are ‘open’ to diversity of knowledge, thoughts and experiences of ALL others, every interaction becomes a learning potential, whether congruent within or reflecting something that we need to work on. This blog might be a ‘signpost’ for you.
Is it time to upgrade your energetic ‘hardware’? Yes, the juxtaposition was intended.
I talk about Chakra’s but what are they? Quite simply, they are spinning vortices of energy or energy wheels drawing in clean fresh prana (AKA Chi) to our entirety by actively spinning in a clockwise direction or rotating counterclockwise – having a cleansing action by promoting the outflow of energies no longer required within. Both actions occur concurrently. Where energy does not flow, may be sluggish or is stagnant there is said to be a state of dis-ease of the energy pathways. As hinted above many contemporary therapies are based on the ancient practice of manipulating healthy energy flow to optimise wellbeing throughout the Aura (Biomagnetic Field) and subtle energy anatomy including but not limited to: Pranic Healing; Therapeutic Touch (nurse created); Egyptian Sekhem Seichim All-Love; Aromatherapy; Singing Bowls and Acupuncture.
The most well-known are the 7 Kundalini Chakras, governing the etheric (energy double of the physical body), centrally aligned along the Shushma or main energy channel following the spinal column. Each chakra (except crown – top central skull; and base, projecting downward) centrally located, extends outward – behind and forward. At the bottom of the spine is the ‘base chakra’ leading upward through the sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, 3rd eye and at the top of the head, the crown chakra, the later seen aglow in enlightened beings.
Further major chakras have become known through the knowledge of sages and individuals of spiritual integrity: like the meng mein (rear of navel chakra) and splenic (from Grand Master Choa Chok Sui creator of Pranic Healing) and the Alta major (becoming activated in the spiritually inclined). A further system is posited by Diane Stein: the Hara Chakras embodying the astral or Emotional Body – Transpersonal point (AKA – soul star); vision (pupils of both eyes); causal body – base of skull; thymus; diaphragm; hara; perineum; movement (knees); grounding (at ankles); and earth (AKA earthstar). There are many intermediary and minor chakras throughout the entire human body to move energy into/from areas naturally. There are twelve chakras that I would wish to focus on. Not a new concept (inclusive of the seven kundalini chakras), these additional 5 chakras are already in our knowledge banks: the Earth Star (below our feet); navel; the causal (above slightly right of the crown); and with the soul star and stellar gateway in central alignment above the crown. My meditation class format will be delayed three weeks due to unforeseen circumstances. In the interim various topics of interest will be intuited and utilized. It would be my honour to accept you into a meditation or vibrational healing experience at Qi Crystals.
Wendy currently runs two weekly meditation classes out of Qi Crystals. She also practices spiritual healing, crystal healing and pranic healing. To find out more or to book with Wendy, follow this link to her profile!