It is widely believed that our early formative, childhood years- the experiences we have, the dynamics within our family and the resulting beliefs and conclusions we form as children in those defining early years set the tone for the rest of our lives and create the narrative we live out. Traumas and negative experiences then further compound our sense of identity and how we relate to the world later on as adults.
What was the general, consistent vibe within your family environment? Did you feel safe? Were you nurtured and loved? Was your family home a space of battles and tensions? Did you forego the innocence and playfulness of childhood to take on the responsibility and care of your siblings? Did infidelity enter the sanctity of your family unit? So many different possible scenarios….
Have your earliest experiences shaped you into a perennial caregiver always looking after and sacrificing yourself for others? Do you find yourself the mediator or peacemaker who hates confrontation? Are you a perfectionist and your own toughest critic? Do you feel safer being a loner and not letting others in to avoid hurt and disappointment. We all have patterns and ways of being in the world, patterns that once kept us safe or loved during our vulnerable childhood years. But now we may be stuck and defined within those identities…
Change, healing and transformation of entrenched patterns can take years of traditional therapy and cost lots of money, but energy-based modalities that work directly on your consciousness and auric field can work wonders in a very short space of time as they subscribe to the laws of quantum physics and can often shift energies and imbalances almost instantly or at least over a shorter period of time.
One such subtle yet powerful system of energy-based healing is Homeopathy. Classical, or Constitutional Homeopathy is perfectly suited to working quickly and deeply at the level of a client’s consciousness or spirit/soul, to balance the energies and bring about healing, balance and change in the client. Homeopathy is based on its guiding principle of ‘Like Cures Like’. The right homeopathic remedy individualised for each client matches the vibe/pattern of the client to bring about deep, effective and lasting change. The right homeopathic remedy commonly supports clients in getting in touch with their suppressed emotions and clearing them as well as empowering them to become conscious of their ingrained patterns and the stories they are running and to make different, conscious choices. Where appropriate the right homeopathic remedy can help clients set better boundaries, prioritise themselves and their own needs, to let go of the past, to learn to stand in their own power, to recover lost trust, etc.
Isn’t it time to move yourself down a different track? To reinvent yourself? To get off that hamster wheel? To step into a greater version of yourself? Homeopathy can help you do that!
Andrew has just come on board at Qi as it’s resident homeopath. He has over 25 years of experience practising homeopathy and is in-store on Wednesdays from 10am to 1.30pm.
For a limited time only he is offering FREE 15 MINUTE ‘taster sessions’ for you to experience the powerful art of homeopathy.
Andrew will also be offering a FREE TALK at Qi Crystals on the 5th of October @ 10:30am – 12pm: CHANGE YOUR STORY- CHANGE YOUR LIFE. 
For enquiries or bookings please ring Andrew directly on 0412930782 or email him on kaulenasandrew@gmail.com
He also has a website www.soulcentredhomeopathy.com.au that has more information about him and his services so please check it out.

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